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Joining the Philosophical Society

The Philosophical Society is for keen amateur philosophers anywhere in the world, so feel free to join if you have an enthusiasm for the subject. Thanks to the internet, all members worldwide can participate in most of the activities we organise. For a look behind the scenes, the Society's Constitution is available to read here . Likewise, the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) policy can be read here.

Membership advantages are:

  • 10% off the cost of selected OUDCE weekend philosophy courses. Which ones are discounted are listed on our OUDCE Weekend Philosophy Courses webpage.
  • Participation in member events, such as weekend seminars, or single-day seminars, on topics selected by our members, featuring papers, presentations, discussion panels, and coffee-break opportunities for informal discussion. Most of these are now hybrid (online-and-in-person) events. Modest fees apply.
  • Advance notification of other events organised by other groups.
  • Free access to our Archive pages, where audio recordings of past seminars are kept.
  • Free access to our on-line Discussion Forum .
  • Free participation in our monthly Friday Discussion group , a hybrid event centered around one topic of discussion circulated in advance, with reading materials.
  • One free copy of the Philosophical Society Annual Review , a journal of selected members' essays, stories, and poems on any philosophical subject, and including topical book reviews by our members.
  • Free access to the Rewley House Library (currently in-person only).
  • Invitation to our Annual Dinner and Awards ceremony (in-person only). Fees apply.

In addition to these member benefits, the Society runs essay competitions. The Talbot Prize , awarded every term, is for students enrolled in any OUDCE 10-week philosophy course. The Chadwick Prize is an Open essay competition for our members and any participants in groups associated with the Society.

How to join

Applicants without a UK bank account can pay their subscription by PayPal, which takes care of currency conversion. An existing PayPal account is not required for using this option.The annual subscription rates are as follows:

Single membership Joint membership at one address
UK and Europe £15 £21
US and the rest of the world £18 £24

The cost differences reflect the differences in the postage cost of the Society's Review being annually mailed to members. Joint members receive one copy.

Subscription is payable annually on the anniversary date of joining -- unless paying by standing order, you will recieve an email reminder when your subscription is due. We accept the following payment methods:

Internet banking or electronic transfer
Standing order
UK bank cheque

Clicking on the button below will take you to the membership application form.
